Saturday, February 28, 2015

First draft and all is well!

Daughter of the Laughing God, prequel novella to Stormwalkers is coming along nicely. 3,167 words today. The bar doesn't lie. I'm near 30 percent done with the first pass, since last week, and going strong.

No distractions, no distractions, no distractions. Please!

Best Always!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A walk in the dark without a lamp, and why this vexed me so . . .

I am essentially blind without my spectacles. Have been all of my life. There is very little I do without them. A simple walk out into my yard, night or day, without those lovely glasses, turns into an adventurous catastrophe of stubbed toes, bruised knees, and loss of direction. Since I have always relied on this visual crutch for my navigation, my other senses must have atrophied, and do me little good when I find myself in this predicament. And so, I have found myself in a similar situation, while stepping out into the virtual world of social media. Namely, my adventures with Twitter.

Monday, February 16, 2015

All in good season

Winter has finally arrived, and now I would be quite happy to witness a quick departure. Here in New York, at least where I am located, the winter was a mild one. (Until recently.) Even though the season is now moving into its geezerhood, it's coming on in record breaking strength with a harshness seemingly born from spite.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Up and running in more ways than one!

3 a.m. at the homestead, on the third day of a nasty cold. I don't usually get hit so hard with these little buggers, since I'm pretty well cloistered away most of the time. For some reason this one got by my gatekeepers. Must have a word with them. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

You did what? Excuse me?

Recently I published Stormwalkers at Smashwords. This activity will send Stormwalkers out to Kobo, Scribd, Apple, Sony and more. So if you have any devices that are associated to those systems or friends that use them, you may want to check it out.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

So, um . . . what is that?

Today and yesterday I uploaded the epub version of Stormwalkers to Smashwords. Now, or within a few days Smashwords will be distributing Stormwalkers to a few more venues. Huzzah. I'll probably post a little more on this in the upcoming days.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The importance of Dedication or Marsha, Marcea, Marcia?

In the last post I believe I told a tiny fib. I suggested that the fiddle-faddle polish-up of Stormwalkers had little impact on the overall quality of the manuscript. I must make a correction on that count. There was one mistake that I overlooked to the last, and yes, I feel it has a great impact on my intent and professional character.

An apology is in order. I have been most negligent by a magnitude of stupid in one part of the book. And I shall wear that shame on my lapel as a scarlet letter for many days to come.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Confession of a Fiddle-Faddler

The coffee is hot, the sun is angling toward its zenith, and February lifts its slumbering head, reminding us all that winter will soon be marching on. (You saw what I did there? —pretty lame, right?) This Sunday I am peering into the face of my labors and trying to lay out a course for the next steps required in the gratification of my many needy projects. It's a thorny path, and of late, one that I have managed quite clumsily.